Recruit & Develop
Faster, Fairer and at Lower Cost

Unlock the power of assessment centres with Talenscio

Woman looking across to Talenscio text with icons around her

Book a demo to unlock the power of assessment centres

A 30 minute demo can show you how easy Talenscio is to use to run your assessment centres.
Find out how much time and cost you can save. Provide users with the best online assessment experience.

Select your preferred date & time below and we will confirm asap.

Faster Assessment

Through simplified scheduling and candidate management, reducing the impact on time for all involved.

The data & reports pulled from a platform allow efficient evaluation and decision making.

Fairer Assessment

Through provision of accessibility options, standardisation of assessment approach, and data driven decision making.

Plus, increased inclusivity through location, time and cost barriers being removed.

Reduced Cost of Hire

Through reduction of travel and logistical expenses, reduced time to participate, reduced administrative costs, time efficiency and scalability, more users can be accommodated in a single session.


Average observed video minutes each month


Candidates observed and scored


5 Star customer satisfaction

Why choose Talenscio for your assessment centres?

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Save time and money

Our unique pricing model ensures you only pay for what you use - with no long term contracts.
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Easy to use

The user specific agendas, in local time zones, ensure candidates and assessors are 'in the room'.
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Support ED&I

Inclusive & open using ADA/WCAG-compliant accessibility tools, and reasonable adjustment options.
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Exceptional support

Our dedicated tech support team and assessment advisors are on-hand via live chat or email when your centres are running.
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Logistical dream

Virtual options increase access and inclusivity, and reduce the cost of travel and venue hire. No more printing assessment papers!
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Tailored solution

Speak to one of our experts to find out how we can extend the options and integrate Talenscio with your ATS or HCM Platform.
Talenscio: Assessment Centre Platform
Faster, Fairer & Lower Cost of Hire
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+44(0)3330 329 580
© 2023 Talenscio Limited
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Cyber Essentials Certified

Integral videoconferencing

Utilise in-built video calls for 1-2-1 and group activities, in mutliple groups or collective rooms. Record calls to review after the live sessions.
Talenscio Video

Branded and personalised

The whole portal has editable elements that can be branded for your business. These include adding your logo, welcome pages that can contain your text, images and videos, using your colours for the agenda, uploading your activity briefs and uploading your competencies (including positive and negative indicators).
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