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Three top tips to get the best video call set up

When you’re on a video call, there are a few key things you need to think about – particularly if it is for an assessment centre or 1-2-1 interview!

Here are our top 3 things to consider…

Where is the light source?

It’s important to have a light source positioned so you can see your screen well, but you also need to consider how this can impact on your video call.

Having a light source behind you will make you appear like a shadow on the screen, making it hard for people to see your face.

The best set-up is to have all of the light sources in front of you. If this isn’t possible, try to balance out any light sources that are behind you by making sure you also have some light coming from in front of you.

What are the acoustics like in the room?

Different rooms will have different acoustics – for example, a fairly empty room with a lot of hard surfaces (like a kitchen) may cause reverberation (like an echo) as there aren’t soft surfaces to absorb the sound. This can cause a few difficulties when you’re on a video call.

Before going on your call, record a short video on your computer so you can test if there are any sound issues. If there are, you can either move to a different room, or try using headphones with a built-in microphone as this often improves sound quality for you and those trying to listen to you.

What are you wearing?

Before your video call, you’ve probably put some thought into what clothes to wear – particularly for assessment centres or 1-2-1 interviews. As well as picking out something that looks smart, you also need to consider how any colours or patterns may appear on a video call.

A prime example of clothing that doesn’t render well on a video call are thin stripes in certain colours. On video calls, these can often distort and become fuzzy lines. To avoid this, make sure you test out any potential outfits before the important meeting by using your computer’s camera.

Why Talenscio?

Talenscio is an online tool with a clear purpose: we want to make assessing your current and future talent as easy and effective as possible.

As our world becomes more and more digital, we want to make sure businesses can benefit from the ease that technology provides without compromising on the experience or outcomes of face-to-face centres.

As a system designed by recruiters for recruiters, Talenscio makes recruitment easy in the face of Covid-19, reduces businesses’ environmental impact and brings people together regardless of physical distance and time differences.

Want to find out more? Visit our website or request a demo!

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